• Николай Сергеевич Онегин The State Hermitage Museum
Keywords: Stefan Batory; Karol Minter factory; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; art metal products; caskets.


In connection with the reconstruction of the Old Castle in the Belarusian city of Grodno during the reign of King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Stefan Batory, there is an interest of the scientific community to the personality of the monarch, as well as to the objects of art associated with him. In this context, unusual metal boxes in the collection of the State Hermitage and other museums are of great interest: on the lids of these items, made in the style of the late 16th century, there is a relief image of the king, referring to his tombstone in Krakow. The absence in Russian literature of studies devoted to this monument makes the analysis of the circumstances of the appearance and existence of caskets. In the course of scientific research, it was possible to attribute these artifacts and date them to the mid-19th century, as well as establish the names of the authors of the models and the name of the factory in Warsaw, which produced the boxes. The creation of these samples of artistic metal products was due to the specific cultural and political conditions in which the western provinces of the Russian Empire were located. The boxes with the image of King Stefan Batory were part of a whole series of “national souvenirs” dedicated to Polish political and cultural figures, including the monarchs of the disappeared Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Associated with the “Polish theme”, the products of the Warsaw factory in the 1860s fell victim to the political changes that followed the suppression of another uprising and were discontinued. Nevertheless, the boxes with the tombstones of the Polish kings managed to become not only a part of the everyday life of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire, but also ended up in the collections of educational museums at art schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Thus, the study of unusual artifacts makes it possible to introduce objects related to the iconography of Stefan Batory into the Russian scientific circulation, and to enrich knowledge about artistic metal products in Russia in the 19th century.

Author Biography

Николай Сергеевич Онегин, The State Hermitage Museum

PhD in Cultural Studies, researcher


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